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Simple Facts

  1. Over 95% of Orinda is susceptible to wildfire (by comparison, only 5% is susceptible in Berkeley). - source: Moraga Orinda Fire District Fire Chief, 2023.

  2. Orinda's emergency response and evacuation capacity will be impaired by build-out of Plan Orinda. - source: Orinda's EIR for Plan Orinda, January 2023.

  3. "Moraga Way northwest-bound and Miner Road/Camino Pablo southbound towards SR-24 are likely to be congested regardless of the hazard area location." - source: Orinda's Evacuation Analysis, October 2022.

  4. Trips normally taking 6 to 24 minutes will take 1.5 to 2 hours during a wildfire evacuation by current residents. - source: Orinda's Evacuation Analysis, October 2022. No estimate of trip times was provided for when Plan Orinda is built-out.

  5. Commitments of funding to increase the traffic flow capacity to reduce delay during a wildfire evacuation were not made conditions of approval of Plan Orinda.

  6. Commitments of funding to maintain the viability of evacuation routes to reduce delay during a wildfire evacuation were not made conditions of approval of Plan Orinda.

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